# Firefox Profile configuration that can be set up directly within profile folders. Configuration is the same across version, devices, and profiles, excepting a few settings adjusted manually. ## Setup 1. Change [browser theme](about:addons#themes) to dark 2. Set up [Firefox sync](about:preferences#sync) 3. Install and configure shared extensions - [uBlock Origin](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) - **Import from Firefox Sync** - `Enable cloud storage support` = `true` - `Custom filters` = - - - [Multi-Account Containers](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/) - Default = `[ "Work (Blue/Circle)" ]` - Work = `[ "Personal (Green/Circle)" ]` - [Temporary Containers](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/temporary-containers/) - **Import from Firefox Sync** - `Container Name Prefix` = `T` - `Container Number` = `Reuse available numbers` - `Context Menu` = `false` - `Keyboard shorcuts` = `[ "Alt+C", "Alt+X", "Alt+O" ]` - Add shortcut to toolbar - [Hover Zoom+](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/hover-zoom-plus/) - `Use prev/next action keys (or mousewheel) to change video position by` = `4` - `Show timestamp on videos` = `true` - `Audio volume for unmuted videos` = `100` - `Play audio sources such as MP3` = `true` - `Audio volume` = `100` - `Delays` = `0` - `Action keys` = `[ "Close", "View previous", "View next" ]` - `Add viewed pictures to the browser's history` = `true` - `Allow rewrite of headers for HTTP(S) request or response` = `true` - [Tridactyl](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/tridactyl-vim/) - [Bypass Paywalls Clean](https://github.com/bpc-clone/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean) - `Opt-in` = `enable` 4. Install and configure additional extensions - [Sponsorblock](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/sponsorblock/) - [DeArrow](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/dearrow/) - `"3rdparty"."Extensions"."deArrow@ajay.app"."licenseKey" = "$key"` - [Torrent Control](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/torrent-control/) - [Reddit Enhancement Suite](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/reddit-enhancement-suite/) - [KeePassXC-Browser](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/keepassxc-browser/) ## Setup ``` git init git config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no git remote add origin $URL git pull origin main ``` ## Notes - Control browser instance via devtools protocol (playwright / puppeteer) - Development: devtools, modify headers, disable CSP - Quick navigation (specific pages, custom search engines, previously closed page) - Context menu (adjust for common operations) - Shortcuts - Tabs: move, pop out, close, duplicate - Screenshots: full page, certain area, zoomed - Bookmark or note to revisit a tab - Search, navigate, etc. (most recent tab, regex search, spacial navigation) - Export bookmarks and history - Learn and adjust to vomnibar - Bookmark tagging and export - Disable reserved keyboard shortcuts - Play videos in mpv via hotkey ## Reference - Sample `user.js` - - - Styles - - - - - - - Scripts - - - - - - - - -