import argparse import re import io import os import sys import time from datetime import datetime from ppadb.client import Client as AdbClient from PIL import Image import pytesseract # ---- # Program # ---- PROGRAM_NAME = "RoK Scraper" PROGRAM_VERSION = "0.3" PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION = "This program controls devices via ADB to take screenshots in Rise of Kingdoms." # TODO: # - Skip your own ranking # - Correct for device rotation # - Better logic for tap_profile() # - Draw box around skipped profiles # - Support for the last ~995-1000 # - Coordinates to percentages # ---- # Arguments # ---- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument("--power", help = "get full power rankings", default = False, action = "store_true") parser.add_argument("--top", help = "get stats on the top 300", default = False, action = "store_true") parser.add_argument("-p", "--project", help = "project name", required = True) parser.add_argument("-s", "--serial", help = "device serial", required = True) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help = "be verbose", default = False, action = "store_true") parser.add_argument("-c", "--count", help = "how many to scrape", default = 0, type = int) parser.add_argument("-n", "--start", help = "what number to start scraping at", default = 1, type = int) parser.add_argument("-k", "--skipped", help = "how many have been skipped", type = int) parser.add_argument("--debug", help = "debug", default = False, action = "store_true") arguments = parser.parse_args() # ---- # Coordinates # ---- ROTATE = 90 # TODO: fix this; shouldn't be needed TAP_LOCATIONS = { "1": (460, 460), "2": (460, 624), "3": (460, 780), "4": (460, 940), "Middle": (460, 980), "Middle + 1": (460, 1136), "Middle + 2": (460, 1300) } # ---- # Functions # ---- # TODO: pass device instead of image def read_string_from_image(image, x, y, x2, y2): return pytesseract.image_to_string(image.crop((x, y, x2, y2)), config="--psm 6").strip().replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '').replace('\t', ' ') def get_clipboard(device): raw ='am broadcast -n "ch.pete.adbclipboard/.ReadReceiver"') dataMatcher = re.compile("^.*\n.*data=\"(.*)\"$", re.DOTALL) dataMatch = dataMatcher.match(raw) return def take_screenshot(device, path): screencap = device.screencap() image =, expand=1) + ".png", "PNG") return # TODO: this can be done better def get_datetime_string(): d = return str(d.year).zfill(4) + str(d.month).zfill(2) + str( + str(d.hour).zfill(2) + str(d.minute).zfill(2) + str(d.second).zfill(2) def read_single_power_ranking(device, folder): datetime = get_datetime_string() # Screenshot profile # ID, Username, Power, Kill Points time.sleep(1) take_screenshot(device, folder + datetime + "_profile") # Copy and save username"input tap 1055 455") time.sleep(1) username = get_clipboard(device) with open(projectFolder + "usernames.txt", 'a+', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as output_file: output_file.write(datetime + "\t") output_file.write(username) output_file.write("\n") if arguments.verbose: print(username, end = "", flush = True) # Click "More Info" # Screenshot "More Info" # Power, Kill Points, Highest Power, Victory, Defeat, Dead, Scout Times, Resources Gathered, Resource Assistance, Alliance Help Times"input tap 620 1070") time.sleep(2) take_screenshot(device, folder + datetime + "_more") # Click "?" # Screenshot Kills # Kill Points, T1-5 Kills, T1-5 Points"input tap 1725 250") time.sleep(1) take_screenshot(device, folder + datetime + "_kills") # Exit if arguments.verbose: print("") # TODO: say "done" or something here if successful"input tap 2230 85") time.sleep(1)"input tap 2185 160") return # Tap to enter a profile, skipping ones that cannot be clicked def tap_profile(i, folder): # TODO: fix this absolute mess of a function if i == 1: if is_profile(TAP_LOCATIONS["1"], folder, i): return 1 elif is_profile(TAP_LOCATIONS["2"], folder, i + 1): return 2 elif is_profile(TAP_LOCATIONS["3"], folder, i + 2): return 3 elif is_profile(TAP_LOCATIONS["4"], folder, i + 3): return 4 else: sys.exit("Profile not found.") elif i == 2: if is_profile(TAP_LOCATIONS["2"], folder, i): return 1 elif is_profile(TAP_LOCATIONS["3"], folder, i + 1): return 2 elif is_profile(TAP_LOCATIONS["4"], folder, i + 2): return 3 else: sys.exit("Profile not found.") elif i == 3: if is_profile(TAP_LOCATIONS["3"], folder, i): return 1 elif is_profile(TAP_LOCATIONS["4"], folder, i + 1): return 2 else: sys.exit("Profile not found.") elif i == 4: if is_profile(TAP_LOCATIONS["4"], folder, i): return 1 else: sys.exit("Profile not found.") else: if is_profile(TAP_LOCATIONS["Middle"], folder, i): return 1 elif is_profile(TAP_LOCATIONS["Middle + 1"], folder, i + 1): return 2 elif is_profile(TAP_LOCATIONS["Middle + 2"], folder, i + 2): return 3 else: sys.exit("Profile not found.") # Tap and test if you are in a profile def is_profile(coordinates, folder, i):"input tap " + str(coordinates[0]) + " " + str(coordinates[1])) time.sleep(1) if read_string_from_image(, expand=1), 1652, 1167, 1745, 1209) == "Mail": return True else:"input tap " + str(coordinates[0]) + " " + str(coordinates[1])) time.sleep(2) if read_string_from_image(, expand=1), 1652, 1167, 1745, 1209) == "Mail": return True if arguments.verbose: print("skipped rank " + str(i) + ". ", flush = True) take_screenshot(device, folder + "skipped/" + get_datetime_string() + "_skipped_" + str(i)) return False # Read from the power rankings list def read_from_power_rankings(count, start, device, folder): if arguments.verbose: print("Reading", count, "power rankings.") time.sleep(1) i = start while i < (count + 1): if arguments.verbose: print(str(i) + "/" + str(count) + ": ", end = "", flush = True) # Scrape i = i + tap_profile(i, folder) read_single_power_ranking(device, folder) # Rest time.sleep(1) if i%10 == 0: time.sleep(5) if i%25 == 0: time.sleep(10) return def read_top_300_stats(start, skipped, device, folder): if arguments.verbose: print("Reading the top 300 power rankings.") if skipped > 0: print("Adding", skipped, "already skipped rankings.") time.sleep(1) count = 300 + 5 + skipped i = start while i < (count + 1): if arguments.verbose: print(str(i) + "/" + str(count) + ": ", end = "", flush = True) # Scrape tap_modifier = tap_profile(i, folder) i = i + tap_modifier count = count + tap_modifier - 1 grab_profile_simple(device, folder) # Rest time.sleep(1) if i%10 == 0: time.sleep(5) if i%25 == 0: time.sleep(10) return def grab_profile_simple(device, folder): datetime = get_datetime_string() # Screenshot profile # ID, Username, Power, Kill Points time.sleep(2) take_screenshot(device, folder + datetime + "_profile") # Copy and save username"input tap 1055 455") time.sleep(1) username = get_clipboard(device) with open(projectFolder + "usernames.txt", 'a+', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as output_file: output_file.write(datetime + "\t") output_file.write(username) output_file.write("\n") if arguments.verbose: print(username, end = "", flush = True) # Exit if arguments.verbose: print("") # TODO: say "done" or something here if successful"input tap 2185 160") return # ---- # Main # ---- if __name__ == '__main__': # Connect to ADB device client = AdbClient(host="", port=5037) device = client.device(arguments.serial) print("Connected to", device.serial) # Create project folder projectFolder = "output/" + arguments.project + "/" if not os.path.exists(projectFolder): os.makedirs(projectFolder + "skipped/") # Debug if arguments.debug: take_screenshot(device, projectFolder + get_datetime_string() + "_debug") # Scrape if arguments.power: read_from_power_rankings(arguments.count, arguments.start, device, projectFolder) if read_top_300_stats(arguments.start, arguments.skipped, device, projectFolder)