{ "homepage": "https://nookkin.com/software/multiscreen-blank-v2.ndoc", "description": "Multiscreen Blank v2 is an easy-to-use utility that allows you to independently blank out or dim one or more monitors connected to your computer, as well as mirroring the contents of screens that are physically located in another room or turned off. Monitors fade in and out with smooth transitions.", "version": "", "license": "Freeware", "url": "https://git.ashtonc.ca/ashton/scoop-bucket/raw/branch/master/files/MultiscreenBlank2.3.0.1.zip", "hash": "sha256:B1990622FFA04C25AF94C7E937B46990180AADE7218F1D5A533B57E824183DF0", "extract_dir": "MultiscreenBlank2", "bin": [ [ "MultiscreenBlank2.exe", "multiscreenblank2" ] ], "shortcuts": [ [ "MultiscreenBlank2.exe", "Multiscreen Blank v2" ] ], "persist": [ "MultiscreenBlank2.ini" ], "checkver": { "url": "http://dl.nookkin.com/products/multiscreenblank/latest/", "regex": "MultiscreenBlank([\\d.]+)" } }