Custom app manifests for Scoop.
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  1. {
  2. "homepage": "",
  3. "description": "Fork of Stefan Sundin's AltDrag. It allows you to move and resize windows by using the Alt key (configurable) and clicking wherever on the window instead of relying on very precise clicking. This fork tries to keep a version up to date with minimal amount of bugs while keeping it feature-rich.",
  4. "version": "1.47",
  5. "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later",
  6. "url": "",
  7. "hash": "sha256:557E416999A0E15EF15617A74B62DDAD2635C0979FDDA200079B29FEBE1E9EFB",
  8. "persist": "AltSnap.ini",
  9. "shortcuts": [
  10. [
  11. "AltSnap.exe",
  12. "AltSnap"
  13. ]
  14. ],
  15. "bin": [
  16. [
  17. "AltSnap.exe",
  18. "altsnap"
  19. ]
  20. ],
  21. "checkver": "github"
  22. }